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2015 Women in Global Health Research Symposium

Our first annual women in global health research symposium was entitled "Women’s health is a top global health research priority. Why do women hold less than 25% of leadership roles in global health research?

The symposium was held in 2015 in at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City. The objective of the symposium was to identify strategies to retain and promote female leaders in global health research. During the symposium, we heard from several influential women and women participated in workshops, including "Balancing Career and Personal Life". Opening remarks of the symposium were conducted by Dr. Laurie Glimcher, Dean of WCMC & winner of L’oréal‐UNESCO for Women in Science Award. 
  • Role of institutional support and mentorship 

  • Education and leadership 

  • Academic global health and the tight rope of work-family balance

  • Balancing career and personal life

  • Health and safety in the field

  • Lessons learned and strategies for sucess 

Symposium goals 
  • To formalize action points that will address gender-based obstacles

  • To establish “best practices” that can serve as a model for institutions seeking to promote women in global health research

  • To form a network of women in global health research careers

  • To plan and prioritize next steps for the ongoing Women in Global Health Initiative



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